I'm a skinny girl, but not a healthy girl. My resting heart rate is in the 90s, I have borderline high blood pressure, high cholesterol and a kidney disease. This is my quest to get healthy, but I know I can't do it alone, so I am building a village of supporters through my blog.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sweat and other Yucky things...

After the last several weeks of regular work-outs, I'm coming to terms with the fact that there are certain yucky things about exercising that there is just no getting around. Sweat...you just can't escape it at the gym. No matter how you try to tune it out, there seems to be no avoiding it. Ironically, I am one of those unusual folks who no matter how hard I work out, rarely sweats. I will develop a small film of perspiration if the work-out has been particularly challenging, but sweat dripping down my brow....a singular rarety. This doesn't seem to be the case for most of the other folks at the gym, however. Men seem to sweat more profusely than women, but even most of the women seem to sport wet spots on their outfits after a thirty minute aerobic work-out. This can create quite the challenge for a person who is slightly sweat adverse. The little orange towel and spray bottle has become my friend as I navigate my routine.

Body Odor...obviously with sweat comes body odor. I may only shed a small sheen of perspiration, but my body odor seems to make up for what I lack in sweat. Perhaps, sweat actually helps wash away the odor, and that is my real problem, but based on the occasional waft from a nearby sweaty gym rat, I have to believe this is an issue all athletes encounter. No matter how much deoderant I apply, I always feel that I leave with a Pig Pen cloud following me home.

Passing Gas....What is it about exercise that stimulates the gas factor? I bear witness to the fact that this is a common problem at the gym. I was raised to believe that passing gas was an incredibly unlady like action. I married a man who can pass gas on command and has integrated it as a part of a comedic routine for years, but even so have maintained a high level of embarassment associated with this action in myself. After my latest surgery one of my not so pleasant side effects has been an increased amount of gas in my abdomen. Combine that with exercise and it can be a serious challenge. The good news is I've managed not to embarass myself yet, but the bad news is based on the law of averages, I'm afraid it's bound to happen at some point.  

Yuckiness aside, I am still committed to my journey, but if anyone has any advise on the above topics, please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. girl, we have all been there. i have tooted only a few times at yoga class- but it never passes (ha!) w/o some giggles, esp if jen b is at class w/ me. i think exercise is fraught w/ body sweat, smells and sounds-- it's our body's way to detox. so be glad for your stink! you are healing your body! :-)
