I'm a skinny girl, but not a healthy girl. My resting heart rate is in the 90s, I have borderline high blood pressure, high cholesterol and a kidney disease. This is my quest to get healthy, but I know I can't do it alone, so I am building a village of supporters through my blog.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks.....

As I finished my second set of Ab exercises today, it struck me that the person who said, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks," didn't know what they were talking about. It also occurred to me that one of the main reason's I've managed to stay on track this time is that I stopped buying into that sentiment. No one is ever to old, too broken, or too infirmed to learn something new, the only pre-requisite for success is truly wanting it.

I used to be that person who adamantly defended my lack of commitment to a work-out routine. I was too busy taking care of my kids, I was too busy working, I was too beset by health challenges. But the truth was, I was too busy making excuses while the biggest problem was me. I had allowed myself to settle into a mid-life routine, and I was afraid to challenge the status quo. I had bought into the idea that I was the by-product of my circumstances, instead of recognizing I could do more to control my circumstances.

So as I pondered this idea that we are never to old to learn something new, I thought of my friend who had inspired me to start this journey. She is one year older than me, and has had her own unique health challenges, and like me spent many years accepting the status quo until she didn't, and then she started her own journey to fitness. She has been at it for at least a year now, and I've watched as she has made a tremendous change in life. She is a much happier and healthier person. She has learned new tricks. Today she is entered in a fitness contest for Fitness Magazine, and has won my vote. .http://photos.fitnessmagazine.com/face-of-fitness-contest/13/2011/271

I also thought of the many comments I've received since I started my own personal Quest. So many of them are from other mid-lifers like me striving to make a change. They have stopped buying into the idea that they can't learn new tricks and started buying into reinventing themselves. Your comments inspire me, as mine may inspire you. So as I end today's blog,  I have a comment for the person who came up with the saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks"....You haven't been hanging out with the same old dogs that I am!

My good friend Terry. Please help her win by giving her your vote. 

1 comment:

  1. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fphotos.fitnessmagazine.com%2Fcategory%2Fvote%2Fphoto%2F758365%3Fesrc%3Dnwphotofaves_fitcover&h=d1c5e

    Thanks so much, Ang. Your blog brought tears to this old dog's eyes. Big Hugs. T:)
