I'm a skinny girl, but not a healthy girl. My resting heart rate is in the 90s, I have borderline high blood pressure, high cholesterol and a kidney disease. This is my quest to get healthy, but I know I can't do it alone, so I am building a village of supporters through my blog.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm Still Here....

I just returned from a business trip to NJ, and I've been carrying around some blog guilt. The good news is I've been keeping up with my fitness routine; the bad news is between the personal and professional things going on in my life right now, I just haven't been able to make a daily posting.

One of the things I've determined this past week, is that while I have never thought of myself as a stress eater, and in fact, tended to lose my appetite when I was under a cloud, my habits seemed to have changed. The past several days, I haven't managed to walk by a dessert, and my road trip choices have been beyond questionable.

So on the four hour ride home, I had time to ponder my steps backward in the eating department, and I came to the realization that in times of stress, I crave those same comfort foods that I have spent most of my life indulging in...french fries, chocolates, cokes and burgers. And while my mantra has been moderation, I am far from moderate when it comes to my eating habits if I am the least bit stressed.

The question now becomes, "How do I find a moderate position moving ahead?", and the answer is I really don't know. I don't foresee a reduction in my current stress levels for the next few weeks, so I'm going to have to work harder to stay on top of my game. I do know that once I acknowledged my missteps to myself this afternoon, I was able to turn down the offer of one of my past favorite snacks....Tandy Cakes (a delicious concoction of peanut butter, cake and chocolate), and instead contented myself with a few peanut butter crackers. So maybe the answer is as simple as mentally shaking myself from time to time. And that of course is why I need my blog. It helps to focus and clarify my choices. It provides a gentle voice whispering in my ear when I start straying from my path. So for anyone wondering about my commitment or lack there of, I'm still here, I'm just facing a few more challenges this month. Hopefully my village will stick with me; my journey isn't close to being over.

1 comment:

  1. today my stress cried out for "glazed donut!", but as i thought of your health quest and your blog, i thought, "glazed donut? really?.." and so i thank you for publicing committing to positive change-- it has inspired me to evaluate MY stress eating/cravings- and today it helped me avoid the 7-11 trap! thanks ange!
