My alarm went off at the agreed upon time. I rolled over, turned it off and laid there for a second. It was cold, and I was pretty warm snuggled in my bed with my puppies. Since I get ready much quicker than Charlie and my work-out for the day was scheduled for after-work, I could hang out in bed a little longer before I had to get up. I reached over and grabbed my blackberry. Charlie was in the basement, and I was two floors up. I would call the house phone which was in her room, and that would wake her up. Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring..."You have reached the home of Chuck and Angie...." Click. Let's try again....Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring..."You have reached the home of Chuck and Angie...." Slam! Answer the phone, I really don't want to get out of bed and face the cold morning just yet!" Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring...@$#%> Third strike, I'm out!
So I grumbled my way down the two flights of stairs complaining to myself all the way down. When I reached the basement I called out rather shrilly,"Charlie, Wake up! Charlie, Are you sitting up? I'm not coming down again!" Mission accomplished; I started my ascent. It was on the way back up that I had a revelation. How ridiculous was I being? I had let myself get worked up essentially because I had to walk a few extra steps. And that's when I really had to stop and examine my actions. I regularly call Charlie on the phone while we are both in the house, and she in turn regularly calls me. When Chelsey is home, she has been known to call me from her bedroom when I am only two doors down in my bedroom.

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