So I've been pondering the next step... setting my goals. It seems like this should be an easy task, but if you set unreasonable goals, you are setting yourself up for failure. If you set goals that are too easily attained, you are selling yourself short. I don't have a weight loss number to hit, I simply want to raise my health meter, but how does one measure that. Is it measured by a visible change... my somewhat flabby belly metamorphosing into rock hard abs? Is it measured by meeting a series of defined tasks; workout X days and complete X exercises? Is it measured by a pantry full of organically grown health food in place of the cans of Ravioli and Little Debbie Snack Cakes that currently fill my shelves? Or is it measured by a reduction in doctor's visits and sick days?

The truth is for me to feel successful at the end of this journey, I will have hopefully achieved some level of success in all of the above areas, but that success for me will have to reflect balance. It's not about depriving myself of the occasional treat from my candy bowl, but adding a fruit bowl to choose from too; It's not about working out seven days a week, but ensuring that I'm doing some sort of physical activity at least five days a week and it's not about the rock hard abs, but I do hope to firm up a few of Age's and Gravity's gifts. With this in mind, my plan for success is to set defined short term goals every month to achieve my ultimate long term goal of achieving and maintaining a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.
February Short Term Goals: Work-out a minimum of four days a week, stop eating candy, cookies and cakes in place of meals, begin researching healthier eating habits and what really should be going into my body.
Long Term Goal: Achieve and maintain a healthier, balanced lifestyle.
I just now found your blog. Have you looked at the properties of beets? I juice them with carrots and kiwi fruit just to cut them. They are amazingly good and cleansing and reducing high BP. If you can't handle all that juicing though, you can buy the beets in pill form :)