This past week has been pretty hectic, but despite the events surrounding my trip to Florida, I am still managing to enjoy a little
"Fun in the Sun". This is the longest I have been home in several years, and as I have been walking the trails behind my Mom's house, soaking up the sun and cruising through old neighborhoods, I have started remembering the things I truly love about Florida living. Last night I even found myself pondering the idea of moving home again someday.

My friends Heidi and Mark had invited Chelsey and I down for dinner and catriking. The evening started with a short skooter ride to nearby area lined with restaurants and shops. We probably chose one of the unheathier haunts, but the lure of the outside tables and smell of the food beckoned us, so we landed at Graffiti Junction, a chic hamburger bar. You could order just about any combination of specialty burger that you desired, and I chose a blue cheese and mushroom stuffed burger topped with Avocado. In a bid to tell myself I was choosing healthier, I opted for zucchini fries instead of regular fries and gave myself a mental pat on the back, since Heidi had told me they made the second best fries in Orlando. The dinner was everything that it was forecasted to be, and I left with an overly full stomach. Little did I know the best part of the evening was still ahead of us, and would prove to be the work-out I had not yet had that day.

When we got back to Heidi and Mark's home, they invited us to tour their neighborhood on Catrikes. For those of you unfamiliar with Catrike's, they are actually recumbent tricycles. Mark is a partner in Big Cat HPV with the original designer of the Catrikes, so he easily pulled out four vehicles out of his storage area to accommodate all of us, one Catbike, a two-wheeled recumbent bicycle and three Catrikes. I have never before ridden on one of these vehicles and was slightly intimidated at first. I imagined that the klutz in me would flip it , or somehow manage to run it into something or I would somehow damage this wonderful trike that Mark was being so kind to allow me to use. So I awkwardly climbed on board, listened to Mark's instructions and then set out to follow him on his two wheeler.
Mark |
It only took about four feet for me to realize that riding a Catrike was far easier and much more comfortable than a traditional bike. My concern quickly turned to pleasure as I felt the wind in my face as we began winding through the neighborhood. Mark took us through parks, and circular drives. taught us how to make figure eights and take tight corners, and led us on an evening's adventure that provided an amazing work-out without feeling like you were working out. In a week full of ups and downs, it proved to be the highlight and for thirty minutes or more I felt only peace, happiness and joy. I was sold, and knew that somewhere in my future held a Catrike purchase. Thanks Mark for your friendship, and introducing me to your world. For any of you interested in finding out about Catrike's, I've added their link to my favorites section.
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