After a fun-filled week on vacation, I thought for sure I would wake up yesterday morning and have a serious case of the Monday blues, so I was pleasantly surprised to find that I woke up feeling happy to be home and ready to get back to work. Don't misunderstand me, I loved every minute of our cruise, but after seven days of eating, drinking, singing, frolicking, beaching, dancing, hot tubbing, and more, I was vacationed out and ready to get back to my routine.

I definitely made the most of my trip. I explored every port, made it to multiple shipboard shows, sang karaoke, played trivia-thons, bingo, and roulette and danced in the disco lounge until late hours of the night. I credited my energy and stamina to my efforts these past weeks, and that is why I was so surprised at how easily I had allowed my healthy inner voice to recede into the background in my new setting. I should be clear, I did not completely abandon all of my new healthier routines, but I certainly left many of them in my suitcase. I still walked almost every day of my trip, and particularly enjoyed being able to leave the treadmill and walk laps around the boat once we reached warmer weather, but I skipped my weight routines completely. I made a conscious effort to take the stairs more times than the elevator, but would still let myself be persuaded a little too easily to take the elevator for the upward trips. And while I found myself doing a better job on portion control after Day One's unpleasant side effects from poor food choices, I still ended up partaking in multiple deserts a day and choosing some form of red meat nearly every night. The phrase, "
Well I'm on vacation, so it's OK!", became a daily if not hourly occurrence.
So in light of my confessions, one might look at my trip and assume that the week was a fail on the scorecard for my new healthier living efforts, but I would have to disagree. I spent a full day at work yesterday catching up on issues and concerns that arose in my absence, but not once did I feel stressed or behind the power curve. I didn't feel rattled when my daughter called from the airport in Florida and couldn't find her car for three hours nor did I feel stressed when I came home to a kitchen full of dishes and the remnants of our youngest dog's latest tear spread throughout the house. I had left my stress in the Bahamas, so what I lost in partaking of extra deserts or skipping my regular weight routines, I had more than made up in my emotional well being. I was rejuvenated in a way I had not been in a long, long time. Clearly last week, vacationing was the healthiest choice I could have made.
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